Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Society

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jul 21 2005 - 15:22:19 BST

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Society"

    > msh 7-20-05:
    > Not blind, just not looking. Below my sig block are a few of the top 100
    > corporate criminals of the 1990s. These are companies who pled guilty or
    > no contest to criminal antitrust activity, so we're not even talking about
    > civil suits. And keep in mind that for every criminal convicted, thousands
    > of crimes go undetected, so it's safe to assume that the criminal activity
    > below is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. In fact, as long as a
    > corporation's actuarial accountants can demonstrate that profits made from
    > criminal behavior are greater than anticipated fines, there is little
    > reason to believe that such behavior will not be repeated. Indeed, many
    > of the companies listed in the full report, linked below, are proven repeat
    > offenders. This is why, in a moral society, assuming corporations are even
    > part of that society, public supervision and regulation of corporate
    > behavior will be essential.

    "In the last century, governments have murdered more than one hundred
    million of their own people. From the killing fields of Cambodia to the
    fire bombing of innocent children at Waco, governments have murdered more
    people that all other criminals and crime syndicates put together. In
    fact, it's probably about one hundred to one. Yet somehow we think that
    these people are there to protect us from criminals and we willingly give
    up our means of self-defence to them."



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