MD Racist Remarks

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Jul 23 2005 - 18:28:51 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Intellect as Consciousness (formerly Collective Consciousness)"

    Hi all,

    I find comments like those posted below my sig block to be racist,
    and highly offensive. They are also politically and historically
    ill-informed, but that I expect from certain quarters. I let the
    first one go, but it seems that such comments are occurring more
    frequently. Just wondering if anyone else agrees.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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    But to say that my unique experiences and intellectual
    patterns combined with yours and that terrorist over there by the 
    camel somehow comprise a "collective consciousness" stretches 
    > In Africa for instance Islam may be a very good idea as a shore
    > against biological (sex) drives of the Central African population
    > where AIDS threatens to wipe out whole generations.
    Now there's an idea I hadn't ever considered.  Old Victorian morality
    might serve the same purpose without the ancillary evils of the
    Islamic . social code.
    > But in 
    > Europe and USA Islam it's a failure and what the fanatics hope to
    > achieve is a great puzzle. If anything the terror attacks has just
    > alienated the Western population (some Norwegian women who earlier
    > had found headscarves and submission was romantic have now come to
    > their senses)
    > But - sigh - social value is not reason, it is emotions, thus 
    > reasonable arguments may be wasted and if the terror continues and
    > the the new recruits come from within, then the Mosques and other
    > closed quarters will possibly have to be put under surveillance.
    > There are those who see this as the end of democracy and just what
    > the terrorists want, but during WW2 the Japanese in USA were
    > interned, still, it all returned to normal after the war. Intellect
    > as a value level will of course not succumb if some of its patterns
    > temporarily is suspended .  
    I agree. This business of tolerance and political correctness will 
    get us all killed yet. Here in the states there's a hue and cry 
    against "racial profiling" so that, for instance, bags at subway 
    stations are checked randomly rather than rationally. Not to focus on 
    young olive-skinned men praying to Allah and smelling like flower 
    water with bulky clothes and fiddling nervously with bags is 
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