RE: MD generalised propositional truths

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Jul 25 2005 - 01:49:11 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Society"

    Paul, Sam and all MOQers:

    I'm hopelessly behind and had to ditch 100's of unread posts. Please let me
    know if I missed anything particularly fabulous or horrible. But the lawn is
    mowed and my conference paper is fixed up and sent, so I'll jump back in on
    this thread, where Paul's work caught my eye...

    Sam refered to Damasio's work:
    ...the collection of intellectual patterns which we call mind will defer to
    a particular set of intellectual patterns associated with emotional
    response. It is those intellectual patterns associated with emotional
    response, viz the representations within the mind of visceral reactions,
    which I don't think are adequately characterised by GPT. (I think they are
    more adequately characterised by the language of emotional intelligence, aka
    virtue language. I also think that the agglomeration of intellectual
    patterns bears a remarkable resemblance to traditional teaching about the
    soul, but that's a whole other story.)

    Paul replied:
    I think you are confusing emotion with the experience of intellectual
    value. Both are aesthetic but they are, according to the MOQ, different
    responses to Quality - separated by evolutionary development.

    dmb says:
    Now get ready for a big surprize. Are you sitting down? You better sit down
    and hold on to your hat because... I agree with Paul on this point. I think
    you're confusing emotion with a lot of things, Sam. And I'm quite baffled by
    your use of the physiological explanations of a neurologist to support
    theological notions about virtue and the soul. These are strange enough
    bedfellows, but then there's the added problem of trying to fit this odd
    mixture into the MOQ. For the sake of brevity I'll just say that it doesn't
    work. I'd also point out that confusing emotion and intellect can be quite
    disasterous. (I have a keen eye for the obvious, don't I?)

    Sam said:
    I don't think the whole web responds to Quality. I think there is a spider
    in the middle of the web. (But a spider composed of the same substance as
    the web)

    Paul replied:
    This is where I think you have to drop the "self-reweaving" idea then. You
    seem to be trying to slip in the conventional idea of a mind or a self which
    does the thinking.

    dmb says:
    You shuold sit down and get ready to be surprized because, like Paul, I see
    the conventional self in Sam's thinking too. Do you suppose this SOM
    perspective has slipped in by way of neurology or by way of theology? We
    MOQers tend to associate SOM with scientific materialism above all, but I
    think it can come from either direction. I used a Joseph Campbell quote in
    my conference paper that gets at Sam's kind of theological SOMish self...
    From Campbell's THOU ART THAT: Transforming Religous Metaphor:
    "Already in the 8th century B.C., in the Chhandogya Upanisad, the key word
    to such a meditation is announced; TAT TVAM ASI, "Thou art That", or "You
    yourself are It!". The final sense of a religion such as Hinduism or
    Buddhism is to bring about in the individual an experience, one way or
    another, of his own IDENTITY with that mystery that is the mystery of all
    being. is the mystery also of many of our own Occidental mystics; and
    many of these have been burned for having said as much. Westward of Iran, in
    all three of the great traditions that have come to us from the Near Eastern
    zone, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, such concepts are unthinkable
    and sheer heresy. God created the world. Creator and creature cannot be the
    same, since, as Aristotle tells us, A is not-A. Our theology, therefore,
    begins from the point of view of waking consciousness and Aristotelian
    logic; whereas, on another level of consciousness - and this, the level to
    which all religions must finally refer - the ultimate mystery transcends the
    laws of dualistic logic, causality and space-time. Anyone who says, as Jesus
    is reported to have said (John 10:30), 'I and the Father are One', is
    declared in our tradition to have blasphemed. ...We in our traditon do not
    recognize the possibility of such an experience of identity with the ground
    of one's own being. What we accept, rather, is the achievement and
    maintenance of a relationship to a personality concieved to be our Creator.
    In other words, ours is a religion of RELATIONSHIP: a, the creature, RELATED
    to X, the Creator (aRX). In the Orient, on the other hand, the appropriate
    formula would be something more like the simple equation, a=X."

    Sam said:
    Perhaps the point is that where you see 'truth' as the presiding value of
    the fourth level (and therefore the patterns of the intellectual level are
    organised around that truth) I see truth as one form of integrity. In other
    words, truth is a function of honesty; it is ontological not

    Paul replied:
    I think truth with respect to honesty (as in, "I'm telling the truth") is
    not quite the same as e.g. mathematical, scientific or philosophical truth.
    I agree that truth is better described as ontological rather than
    epistemological in the sense that truth is a species of static quality.

    dmb says:
    Have a seat and grab a brown paper bag because I agree with Paul on this
    too. In fact, Sam, I'd argue that you aren't offering a different definition
    of truth here so much as switching topics. I'd argue that personal honesty
    and integrity are just as important for scientists and philosophers as they
    are for anyone else, maybe even more so, but Paul's work in this thread
    simply isn't about moral rectitude or strength of character. I'd even go so
    far as to suggest that your Euidemonic MOQ seems exclude intellectual
    quality altogether by making a similar switch for the entire 4th level.
    Ironically, I think this switch is itself immoral in the MOQ because it
    asserts social values over intellectual values. I mean, it seems you want
    the MOQ's fourth level to be replaced by Christian notion's of salvation and
    the like...

    Sam said:
    Truth is not (as you rightly say) about correct reference from pattern to
    external reality; it is rather, I would suggest, the product of autonomous
    integrity. Thus it is the individual mind of integrity which represents the
    organising element at the fourth level. And it is establishing and gaining
    that integrity which is both enlightenment and the salvation of the soul.
    What does it profit a man if he gain the whole social level (power, money,
    fame) but lose touch with the fourth?

    Paul replied:
    Tell me more about "an individual mind of autonomous integrity." It is one
    of those pleasant phrases (good for epitaphs and the like) which brings
    forth nods of approval without bringing any clarity to the proceedings.
    ...The thing is, I think honour and integrity are celebrated virtues of the
    social level, or at least, there is social integrity and intellectual
    integrity so it doesn't suffice as the cleavage term we are looking for.

    dmb says:
    Put your head between your knees and breathe into the brown paper bag for a
    while because I'm gonna disagree with Sam on this point too. In fact, I'd
    say that establishing and gaining "the individual mind of integrity" is just
    about the opposite of enlightenment. As it is explained so beautifully and
    precisely by Campbell in the quote above, Western theology "begins from the
    point of view of waking consciousness and Aristotelian logic; whereas, on
    another level of consciousness - and this, the level to which all religions
    must finally refer - the ultimate mystery transcends the laws of dualistic
    logic, causality and space-time.". As a result, Western salvation is a
    matter of bringing the creature into accord with the Creator, while Eastern
    Enlightenment is a matter of seeing that thou art that. I think this
    theological framework colors your interpretation of just about everything
    including Paul's thoughts about the structure of our beliefs. I think you
    insist there's a spider in the web because you can't quite shake these
    SOMish dualisms in Western theology. Hope that makes sense to you.

    P.S. Sam, glad you had a nice time in China and discovered that they have a
    social level in the East, but it would've been nice to have you, and
    everybody else, at the conference and to meet you in person. And I'm sure
    you would have just loved my paper, FUN WITH BLASPHEMY. Ha! Shall I send you
    a copy?

    And what ever happened to Glove, who was expected but didn't make it?

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