Re: MD Intellect as Consciousness

Date: Mon Jul 25 2005 - 01:40:00 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Racist Remarks"

    Platt, MSH, Paul, Arlo, Ian, Robert, and All --

    You have all denied my contention that Pirsig's Fourth Level Intellect is
    recognized and accepted by MoQ followers as a "Collective Consciousness".

    I think Robert Warlov's posting of 7/24 speaks for itself:

    > I'd like to suggest that the 'intellectual level' is that which is
    > for individuals to group and stay together. That was once the function of
    > 'The Church', or religion, which is now superceded by Science/Intellect,
    > biological cells that receive and send information to and from other
    > are communicating and are therefore involved in intellectual activity.
    > As to a 'collective conscienceness' that is the only conscienceness there
    > is, because your mind is not yours, it's ours. Mind is one thing. Each
    > culture shares the same mind, because it shares the same language and the
    > same ideas. If you disagree, tell me with what you think if not with
    > Your body did not invent those words. You 'uploaded the program' from the
    > culture. 'Your' mind and the program are the same thing. We all share
    > same program.
    > Robert Warlov

    Now, of course, you can tell me that this is only one man's opinion, that
    Robert has it all wrong, that Pirsig wouldn't accept such a defnition -- all
    of which may be true.
    But it won't convince me otherwise.

    Thanks, Robert, for making my point so painfully clear.


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