Re: MD Racist Remarks

Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 17:43:20 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?"

    Hi Arlo

    27 July you wrote:

    > Khaled, I too welcome a voice that is non-Western. All too often, we
    > are unexposed to cultural views that are outside our own cultural
    > mythos. My biggest argument for diversity is that it sheds an exposing
    > light on ideological solidifications.

    > I, too, disagree with the terminology "biological terrorists", but I
    > find it wrong because of a conflation that I'd like to explain, namely
    > it conflates "actions" with "individuals" and entangles the two in a
    > word-association that supports American hegemony.

    An excellent post and I agree with almost all points of it. In my
    entry on the issue I had reservations regarding the biological part
    of Platt's evaluation.
    > What I mean is that the so-called "terrorists" aren't "biological",
    > any more than an American soldier is "biological". What IS biological
    > are the actions of the individuals. A "suicide bomber" may be driven
    > by intellectual or social goals,

    However when it comes to "intellectual goals" I wonder where you
    see that component? Until that is established I say no more.


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