Re: MD Metaphysics and Pragmatism

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 21:55:50 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Pirsig's conception of ritual"

    Dear Platt,

    You 21 Feb 2003 11:28:09 -0500 quoted Herbert Spencer:
    'The ultimate effect of shielding men from effects of folly is to fill the
    world with fools.'

    I think things are a little bit more complicated:
    The ultimate effect of shielding men from effects of folly is to fill the
    world with a lot of fools and an elite of 'shielders' expecting a reward
    from the fools for protecting them.
    The ultimate effect of not shielding men from effects of folly would be to
    empty the world of fools and leave a smaller number of ultra-individualists
    wasting their time re-inventing wheels and winning their individual freedom
    from biological patterns of value.
    Shielding men from effects of folly is exactly what social patterns of value
    are for. Not having to learn individually and the hard way to avoid all
    possible mistakes, saves the time that is needed for social patterns of
    value to 'go off on purposes of their own' and -in due course of the
    upbringing of children- and for intellectual patterns of value to emerge.
    Not shielding men from effects of folly implies degenaration to biological
    and more primitive social patterns of value.

    With friendly greetings,


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