Re: MD ZMM--See what he saw?

From: C.L. Everett (
Date: Sun Aug 14 2005 - 16:03:36 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD The MOQ in Hollywood"

    Thanks for replying, Ian. I'm still reeling over one of your other posts but
    I'm adjusting. Makes so much more sense now. The challenge is completely
    different. I was daunted by the wall of words that this forum presents,
    almost a smokescreen to the underlying concepts.

    About the mental state--I don't think Pirsig can be "got" rationally,
    logically, step-by-step, even through the reading of ZMM. So much more plays
    into it. You really have to have an epiphany or a mystical experience or "go
    over the edge" and come back or even, I really hesitate to say this but it
    works for some (a very few, I think) be "born again".

    A big part of my dissatisfaction with Lila is Lila--she is just so . . .
    'yucky' (a totally subjective emotionally felt value judgment). I just wish
    Pirsig would have tried harder to come up with "a plot device" not so base
    or at least on a "universal" human level. I'm really with Rigel about Lila
    and Pirsig "the Great Author" never convinces me otherwise. She never
    attains quality for me.

    On 8/13/05, ian glendinning <> wrote:
    > Hi CL,
    > I had very similar feelings too.
    > There but for the grace of god - I've said about Pirsig's mental state
    > many a time - as he says Socratic wisdom pulls us through.
    > Feeling dissatisfied with Lila, is not uncommon. When I first started
    > my involvement here I too felt he'd overdone it - it looked to me like
    > some sort of reaction to serious criticisms of ZMM, and maybe it was.
    > My view now is that it did need to be written, and there would be no
    > MoQ without Lila.
    > Ian

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