RE: MD Katrina - Thousands Dead ?

Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 08:41:33 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Katrina - Thousands Dead ?"

    Gert-Jan, Platt & Crowd

    5 Sep. Gert-Jan Peeters wrote:

    > Very very VERY interesting Thread this is.

    > Platt wrote:
    > (community) below sea level whose existence depends on keeping
    > water out has a moral responsibility to prepare for a predictable
    > calamity, just as the Dutch do in Holland. I would like to know from
    > Wim Nusselder or anyone else familiar with the Netherlands what their
    > plans are in case of breaches of their dikes and if those plans are
    > widely known and understood by the populace..

    Thanks to both of you, I wrote a message earlier, but it did not
    make it through. In it I posed a similar question to Gert-Jan so it
    was terrible interesting to read ...only that the great disaster was
    more like 50 years ago ;-) There was something on Discovery
    recently about the great "final" dike. Tremendous!

    I also found Platt's analysis of the New Orleans situation most
    apt, in a city that is beyond seal level and in a notorious storm
    area some thorough planning is needed. Another point I made
    was that the modern techno-society is a great asset ... up to a
    point, but beyond that it adds to the calamity.


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