RE: MD Essentialist and anti-essentialist

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Sat Sep 17 2005 - 17:22:50 BST

  • Next message: Matt poot: "Re: MD Katrina - Thousands Dead ?"

    >On 16 Sep 2005 at 8:54, MarshaV wrote:
    >> At 11:10 AM 9/16/2005 +0100, you wrote:
    >> >"Since a metaphysics is essentially a kind of definition and since
    >> >Quality is essentially outside definition, this means that a
    >> >"Metaphysics of Quality" is essentially a contradiction in terms, a
    >> >logical absurdity." [LILA, p73]
    >> Greetings Paul,
    >> Thanks posting this quote. It's truly wonderful.

    Bo replies:
    >Pirsig in LILA says many things. The above quote sounds as if
    >theories - definitions - are subjective secondhand reflections of
    >an objective reality out there, and if this isn't SOM nothing is!

    Paul: Subjective reflections of an objective reality *is* SOM. But, of
    course, he is talking about Quality being beyond definition, not an
    objective reality. Let me spell it out for you:

    "Since a metaphysics is essentially a [static pattern] and since [Dynamic]
    Quality is essentially outside [static patterns], this means that a "[Static
    pattern of Dynamic Quality]" is essentially a contradiction in terms, a
    logical absurdity."

    >The MOQ is a farewell to the SOM, but there are dubious
    >passages in LILA - and in Lila's Child - and Paul defends them
    >all. I don't like to discredit Paul, but .... alas!

    Paul: Well, I'm taking an extended break from the list so give it your best



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