RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: johnny moral (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 20:13:32 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Life after death?"

    Kevin said

    >There seems to be a simple blind spot that refuses to recognize the >very
    >obvious difference between the Best choice from all available and
    >Ahistorical Truth or Absolutes.
    >This ridiculous assumption that just because all of our thoughts are
    >contigent, they are somehow "equal". Horseshit.

    Yes, saying 'we don't know everything' is not saying 'we don't know
    anything'. Saying 'we've been wrong about what we believed was true before'
    is not saying, therefore don't believe anything.

    >Even the most wacked out postmoderist freakoid knows the difference
    >between a blowjob and bamboo under his fingernails. To suggest that they
    >are "equal" is moronic and a complete strawman.

    Good analogy: To submerge yourself in temporal truth is how we fully
    experience life. But we CAN step back from experiencing reality directly
    and intellectualize that underneath it all, what is really going on is just
    patterns of value going about their pattern (MoQ) or electrons flowing
    around in inorganic constructs called organisms (SOM). In fact both of
    these are good ways to endure the pain of bamboo under the fingernails, or
    delay orgasm during sex. But don't delay too long, you want to step back
    into reality at some point to live it, or it will be too late)

    (Was it here that someone posted a verse about how trying to climb out of
    the water is the sure way to drown, and the way to swim is emerse yourself?
    That was a good analogy. If I didn't read that here, I wonder where I read
    it? hmmm..)

    >A postmodernist might find it unimportant to quantify the metaphysical
    >difference between the two (is one more "real" or "true" than the
    >other?), but we can predict the choice with very high probability.
    >I've no trouble seeing which is Best, do you?

    I've never had bamboo under the fingernails, so I couldn't really say...


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