Re: MD Looking for the Primary Difference

From: David M (
Date: Sat Oct 15 2005 - 20:22:42 BST

  • Next message: khaled Alkotob: "Re: MD Technology"

    if nothingness can differentiate, what in heaven's
    name is your essence for? you are the most confused
    metaphysician I have come across. You don't seem to
    see that theredoes not need to be a something behind
    the source of creation. A simple but odd presupposition
    that seems to blind you. And value is key, why else would the source bother
    to create if the source did
    not value what it created?


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: < >
    To: < >
    Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:07 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Looking for the Primary Difference

    > Hi Reinier --
    > You said:
    >> Well, unfortunately, I do not share your view of nothingness
    >> as creator of differentiation. I don't think differentiation
    >> needs this. Nothingness for me merely represents the
    >> hypothetical opponent of Essence. I say hypothetical,
    >> because it cannot exist as opponent.
    >> Even if it's a differentiator in existence, then it would be
    >> part of essence, because everything in existence is part
    >> of essence.
    > Yes, everything we experience in existence is derived from Essence.
    > Experience includes gaps or divisions in space/time which accounts for
    > "difference" in the reality experienced. We type a "space" between two
    > words to separate them; we draw a diameter through a circle to create two
    > semicircles; we imagine a time interval between "then" and "now", and they
    > become past and present for us. These boundaries are intellectual
    > projections of the "nothingness" of our awareness which divides one thing
    > or
    > event from another.
    > I'm really arguing here for a conclusion based on two propositions:
    > 1) Nothingness is the primary differentiator.
    > 2) Self-awareness is the nothingness of experience.
    > Ergo: Experience is the self/other differentiator of existence.
    > Now, existence (i.e., being-aware of otherness) presupposes a creator. If
    > nothingness is the primary differentiator that accounts for difference, it
    > must also differentiate reality; that is, the appearance of nothingness is
    > what makes existence possible. As you stated, "nothingness represents
    > the
    > hypothetical opponent of Essence." This suggests that Essence "creates"
    > existence by denying or negating what it is not -- nothingness.
    > If you will indulge my hypothesis that absolute Essence is "negational",
    > in
    > the sense that it creates by negating, and that the only attribute not
    > present in its "absolute potentiality" is nothingness, then the negation
    > of
    > nothingness is the Primary Difference that "actualizes" or causes the
    > self/other division (existence).
    >> Differentiation comes from valueing, is a valuistic concept.
    >> But it's the valueing of the opposites that create
    >> differentiation, and not the thin line of nothingness in between (if
    >> there is any).
    > I don't accept your premise. We do not separate the objects of experience
    > by valuing them; the separation appears when we divide them by
    > nothingness.
    > The "space" that we intellectualize between any two objects IS "the thin
    > line of nothingness", not value. Valuing comes later -- after we make
    > this
    > primary separation. If you could accept this concept, I think we might
    > make
    > some progress. Otherwise, you will have to demonstrate to me precisely
    > how
    > valuing effects a separation.
    > [This comes from your second post]:
    >> I do not reject a self/other duality. I acknowledge it.
    >> But I do not think that this individual awareness, 'self',
    >> is true Essence. As I replied to Dave in the 'consiousness'
    >> thread, Essential awareness/consiousness is undifferentiated...
    > I agree that 'self' (the individual awareness) does not possess Essence.
    > (Actually, I think it is a nothingness.) I also agree that Essence is
    > undifferentiated. However, I don't know what you mean by "Essential
    > awareness/consciousness". Are you implying that Essence itself possesses
    > consciousness? Or, are you saying that Essence encompasses the
    > consciousness of humans?
    >> So if you could then say that there must be an essential,
    >> undifferentiated awareness or consciousness (or whatever
    >> you may like to call it), then you could not separate it from
    >> any non-awareness, existential thing or stuff.
    >> Because in Essence there is nothing that is other.
    > I have not made that assumption, but perhaps you have. If so, then you
    > are
    > trapped in your own paradox. Anything that is "other" is actualized as
    > "existence", which is the "not-other" of Essence. Discrete conscious
    > awareness is one of those things; it "exists" as a negate of Essence -- as
    > a
    > free agent that does not possess Essence. Self-awareness is a divided
    > (conditional) entity -- essentially a nothingness that is the antithesis
    > of
    > Essence. That's how it can be "free". But its connection to Essence is
    > through (conditional) Value. And that's a subject for another day.
    > Ponder on my nothingness=differentiator concept, Reinier. I'm hoping that
    > you will see your way to accepting it as the better alternative to value
    > in
    > this context.
    > I always feel I'm making progress in these metaphysical discussions with
    > you.
    > Why is it that I'm unable to communicate these ideas with the MD people?
    > Now, thanks to Rebecca, they're trying to add "rationality" to the list of
    > human attributes -- "awareness", "experience", "intellect" -- that they
    > want
    > to dehumanize as a collective level! What in heaven's name do they have
    > against the individual?
    > Essentially yours,
    > Ham
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