Re: MD Looking for the Primary Difference

From: David M (
Date: Tue Oct 18 2005 - 23:03:41 BST

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    Hi Ham

    You are right to value good questions, so do I.

    > I start with the theory of "proprietary awareness" as the foundation of
    > what
    > we call existence. I attribute the source of this awareness to Essence,
    > which is uncreated and non-differentiated. I offer a hypothesis for
    > Creation to explain how a dynamic, evolutionary universe arises from a
    > static, timeless Source, and I show how the values that we individually
    > realize as "free agents" constitute our essential reality.

    DM: Yes lets start with what we cannot deny: experience, a word
    that cannot do without awareness I would say. But it is not best
    described as a subject aware of objects because that is an abstract
    that requires positing 2 very different substances. And why do we need
    an essence? That is what you want to fill the nothingness up with as if
    creation needs to come from something, well I suggest that for creations
    to be truly original it has to be from nothing. Anything static at the
    impies limits and begs questions. I doubt I am ever going to persuade you.
    Go and read some books on Heidegger and also Tarnas's Passion of the
    West if youi are brave enough to challenge your own ideas. I do not
    feel that you grasp the point about rejectying SOMand what to give it back
    to us.
    Your really at the wrong site for that.

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