Re: MD Chaos and its role in Evolution

From: Rebecca Temmer (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 21:15:22 BST

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    Hi Mark,

    Briefly (because i'm supposed to be writing a news aritcle right now), maybe
    DQ in this sense is anything that's not "routine maintenance".

    Significantly, you're evolving towards something right?... the further an
    end point you want to get to, the more dynamic your solution is going to
    have to be.

    Let's say you ... [grappling with my absurdly limited knowledge of
    motorcycles] not only replace, but change a major part of the bike so that
    it runs differently; so it runs 'better'. Is that dynamic quality at work?
    Going above and beyond what the bike would have been able to do without that
    new part? Maybe the new bike goes faster, maybe it's louder, maybe it's
    quieter - depends on what you want to do.

    Eventually you could change all the parts so that your motorcycle runs
    'better' (however you want to define that) than the original combination of
    parts (questions of whether it's still the same cycle aside).

    Dynamic quality just breaks down static patterns right (yes this is a real
    question, not rhetorical)? It doesn't necessarily have to leave 'better'
    static patterns in its wake - just different patterns, a reorganization.

    ((Aside: Really I never liked Pirsig's emphasis on dynamic over static
    quality, myself... I'm more of a 'balance' girl, myself.))

    I think it would be really dynamic if you could just rearrange the whole
    bike into a machine that could teleport you instantly from one place to
    another. :) [ recognizing that this would totally eliminate the purpose of
    the bike for some... ]

    Gak, that was a lot of poorly constructed mental spillage - not a lot of
    time here, sorry folks.
    Back to 'work'

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