MD New Age MOQ?

From: mark maxwell (
Date: Wed Nov 02 2005 - 20:35:06 GMT

  • Next message: mark maxwell: "Re: MD A Question of Balance / Rules of the Game"

    The Black Knight (for it is he):
    Mark however, represents a NewAge-ish interpretation
    with a dynamic (read spiritual) intellectual level and
    is more tempting, but a completely dead end.

    I've researched what is meant by 'New Age' and it
    turns out there is no agreement as to what this term
    means. It means many different things from believing
    crystals to have healing powers, to theistic or
    philosophical monisms.
    Now, for someone like Black Knight to then suggest a
    system of thought to be All of the above '-ish' is
    therefore freaking absurd isn't it? That's like
    saying, "This is a bit like that which we have no
    agreement upon." Mad.

    So, why is Skutvik quick to slap the label 'New Age'
    on the sweet spot? Is he trying to dismiss something
    offhand without taking the trouble to enquire?
    Skutvik? Do THAT? Shurely shome mishtake?

    I mean, the sweet spot exists as a goal of artistic
    endeavour, (if one is happy to accept sport and
    motorcycle maintenance as artistic endeavour - oh!
    Wait a moment? Isn't the title of RMP's 1975 book 'Zen
    and the 'Art' of motorcycle maintenance'? No! Sorry. I
    get confused sometimes! Must be all that symposium!)
    and the sweet spot is the goal of scientific enquiry
    (The 'best' machine and its operational behaviour is
    modelled and described in mathematical terms with the
    sweet spot as its descriptive goal)
    New Age?
    Is Skutvik telling us that mechanics are not aware of
    what constitutes a quality machine? Of what science
    has to say regarding optimum performance and
    maintenance? Is Skutvik telling us to forget about
    quality because quality is New Age?

    And then people REALLY wonder why the man is derided


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