Re: MD Re: Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level

From: David M (
Date: Fri Nov 04 2005 - 18:27:39 GMT

  • Next message: Case: "RE: MD Rhetoric"

    Hi Bo

    well sounds like you accept my corrections....

    Is MOQ a solution to SOM? Are there other
    solutions or related solutions? Well whilst SOM
    still rules our culture and politics I think we cannot
    lay claim to any effective solution. There is only
    hope, and maybe human beings will not be involved
    in the solution. For now I find Pirsig and Heidegger
    and many others give us hope of an alternative.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 9:29 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Re: Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level

    > David M.
    > 2 Nov. you wrote:
    >> 2 corrections:
    >> Heidegger wrote about the need to find an understanding
    >> of Being as that which is prior to the abstraction of subject and
    >> objects long before Pirsig came along and that is just one particular
    >> example there are many challenges to dualism of the SOM kind, ever
    >> heard of monism?
    > Must you begin about Heidegger again ...after all these years?
    > God, there is no lack of philosophers who has "challenged" the
    > S/O dualism, but has anyone solved in in a way that comes close
    > to the MOQ?
    > And has Heidegger presented a solution? Does he speak of a
    > S/O metaphysics as having an historical beginning and possible
    > end in the form of another "better" metaphysics. I found nothing
    > remotely like Pirsig's approach with Heidegger.
    > And does your question about monism indicate that IT is a
    > "challenge" and/or solution?
    >> Descartes I seem to recall talks about extended and unextended
    >> substances not simply mind and matter.
    > So what? Descartes, Spinoza and all philosophers of that era
    > took the S/O for granted and just produced ever new bottles for
    > the the same old wine. If he spoke of "unextended substance" it
    > was the mind-stuff (or soul-stuff as it was called then) about as
    > strange a substance as spiritualism's "ectoplasm".
    > Instead of answering my questions about how you see the
    > mentioned MOQ-related issues you throw these silly things back
    > at me, what's the point?
    > Bo
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