Re: MD Re: Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level

Date: Sun Nov 06 2005 - 08:22:36 GMT

  • Next message: Rebecca Temmer: "Re: MD Where the ads take aim"

    I combine your messages.

    4 Nov. you wrote:

    > well sounds like you accept my corrections....

    You really read between the lines ;-).

    > Is MOQ a solution to SOM?

    Of course it is, in the MOQ becomes a subset (how, is the bone
    of contention, but I apply the SOL as you know.

    > Are there other
    > solutions or related solutions?

    None that I know about.

    > Well whilst SOM
    > still rules our culture and politics I think we cannot
    > lay claim to any effective solution. There is only
    > hope, and maybe human beings will not be involved
    > in the solution. For now I find Pirsig and Heidegger
    > and many others give us hope of an alternative.

    I don't get these your inscrutable comments. The MOQ is the

    > Why don't you try describing
    > the 4th level in detail with real examples
    > in your terms and stop just repeating a
    > formula that does not seem to be
    > convincing anyone.

    Looks like it has begun to convince a few.

    > Maybe that would
    > clarify what you are trying to tell us.
    > How does your divide create the 4th level?

    The subject/object divide did not create the 4th level, it IS the 4th
    level. And it's not necessary for me to repeat what ZMM says
    about the emergence of SOM which also is that of the 4th level
    .... by the SOL interpretation that is.

    > Give us a detailed narrative not an appeal to
    > logic.

    Start reading the said passage in ZMM. I don't have the book
    here but it starts with something like ...."The first thing we must
    get over is the notion that there is s short time span between the
    last caveman and the first Greek thinker".


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