Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)

Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 21:06:27 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Changes"


    You ask Matt EE,

    "I've noticed that you hardly ever post on any topics except for a few
    specific areas. You hardly ever join discussions unless they are related to
    Rorty or pragmatism and stuff like that. Why? Are you uninterested in
    actually discussing the MOQ as such? I mean, there's nothing wrong with
    bringing up tangential issues, but what about Lila? After all this time, I
    still haven't the foggiest idea what you think of the MOQ itself, only as
    it relates to metaphysics in general."

    You are trying to be confrontational. I don't have to come to the defense
    of Matt, but you are either simply trying to "yank on his chain," or you
    don't even read Matt's posts with the proper attention they deserve. His
    essay is titled, "Confessions of a Fallen Priest: Rorty, Pirsig, and the
    Metaphysics of Quality." I think he gives a very concise, detailed and
    thorough description of what he thinks "of the MOQ itself" in this essay
    He discusses Lila and has given his thoughts on it and ZMM in many other
    occassions in discussions with you. I don't think you have read his
    Confessions essay, but I think you should. It is quite good. I know you
    have said you don't read the essays as a matter of principle, but you would
    not need to ask the above question if you did.

    If you wonder why Matt has not offered his two cents on political and
    social issues when they are brought up in the discussion page, he has given
    his reason for this before and I will leave it to him to repeat. I happen
    to respect his decision to stay away from such discussions and I wish I had
    always done the same, given the unfruitful results of most of these
    discussions. Although, you can be assured, I am usually reading these
    posts with interest and shouting encouragement at the computer when you are
    making your points to the "new right" interpretations of others involved in
    the discussions. Matt's point, and I think I am coming to agreement with
    him on this, is that searching for an ethical or moral foundation for
    social and political decisions is not a productive activity.

    I am not going to encourage Matt to get into these discussions, but I
    anticipate that at some time in the future, Matt's life will pay special
    attention to influencing a morality we can agree upon based on Rorty's and
    Dewey's ideas of social hope. If we are lucky, we will still be around
    when he offers up his thoughts on this site, but either way, someone will
    benefit from his thoughts and ideas.

    You are very good at offering a defense for many liberal viewpoints in
    social and political issues. I think you should continue to bring this to
    the discussion, but don't expect everyone to join in on all the topics you
    have a special interest in. I think Matt agrees with many of your
    political views, but disagrees with your philosophical views. He focuses
    his discussion with you on the later point. What's wrong with that?



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