Re: MD Re: Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Thu Dec 01 2005 - 12:58:33 GMT

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD opposite of quality"

    [Arlo previously]
    Tell me Platt, where was the Intellectual level 4 billion years ago?
    Sitting around waiting for the inorganic to "flower", then the biological,
    then the social, so that it could finally apply to something?

    You got it.

    Well, go figure. Was "calculus" sitting there too? Or just the general MOQ

    [Arlo previously]
    This reply makes no sense. You said, in an anti-emergence criticism, that
    your disagreement was that you believed "it was all there from the
    beginning". What "it" was all there?

    Experience, i.e. Quality.

    Was my "experience" of writing this email "there from the beginning"?

    Experience = Dynamic Quality. Your experience is DQ and yes it was there
    there from the beginning, as was the DQ for Mr. Harley or whoever
    assembled the first Harley motorcycle.

    Tell me, if it was all there from the beginning, why did it bother to create
    inorganic, and then biological, and then social, and then intellectual levels?

    [Arlo previously]
    As I've been saying from day one, the MOQ shows that the emergence of
    "higher order organisms" (next level up) derives from collective activity
    on the previous level. Then, what we consider "individuals" on that newly
    emerged level, in collective activity, give rise to an even "higher order
    organism". This is explained very clearly in Lila.

    Nonsense. Pirsig explained that in the MOQ all "organisms" exist only in
    the material world, all societies (and ideas) exist only in the mental

    Pirsig himself uses the word "organism" to describe emergent social patterns.
    "Yet the social pattern of the city devours their lives for its own purposes
    just as surely as farmers devour the flesh of farm animals. A higher organism
    is feeding upon a lower one and accomplishing more by doing so than the lower
    organism can accomplish alone."

    He says the relationship between the emergent intellctual level and the lower
    social level is analogous to the social-biological relationship. I agree with
    Pirsig, it makes sense to think of these newly emerged patterns as organisms.

    But the socially constructed software that is "Platt" is at a higher level than
    the cell collective that underlies it.

    And you continue to blow up that lead balloon.

    As Pirsig says, "The language of mental intelligence has nothing to say to the
    cells directly. They don't understand it. The language of the cells has nothing
    to say to the mind directly. It doesn't speak that language either. They are
    completely separate patterns. At this moment, asleep, "Lila" doesn't exist any
    more than a program exists when a computer is switched off. The intelligence of
    her cells had switched Lila off for the night, exactly the way a hardware
    switch turns off a computer program. The language we've inherited confuses
    this. We say "my" body and "your" body and "his" body and "her" body, but it
    isn't that way. That's like a FORTRAN program saying, "this is my computer." "1
    his body on the left," and "This body on the right." That's the way to say it.
    This Cartesian "Me," this autonomous little homunculus who sits behind our
    eyeballs looking out through them in order to pass judgment on the affairs of
    the world, is just completely ridiculous. This self-appointed little editor of
    reality is just an impossible fiction that collapses the moment one examines
    it. This Cartesian "Me" is a software reality, not a hardware reality. This
    body on the left and this body on the right are running variations of the same
    program, the same "Me," which doesn't belong to either of them. The "Me's" are
    simply a program format."

    Tell me, from where does the software program that is "Platt" originate? Was it
    hanging around since the beginning waiting to "flower" too?

    Just as the MOQ, or calculus, or gravity is at a higher level on the MOQ
    than "Platt".

    Nonsense. Nothing is higher than the experience of you, me, and the man
    over there behind the tree. Quality has us all, everyone -- past, present
    and future..

    Ah, yes, the Randian nonsense. Quality, indeed, has us all, and we play a part
    in the ongoing evolution of "life", but here you go again with the opining
    red-blood cell speech. Pirsig rightly places your exalted "individual" on the
    social level, saying, "The strongest moral argument against capital punishment
    is that it weakens a society's Dynamic capability-its capability for change and

    There is a lot said in that. Namely that "individuals" constitute the red-blood
    cells (or perhaps more apt, the DNA) for the organism that is society. Killing
    individuals weakens society the same way killing DNA weakens the biological


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