Re: MD Changes

From: Valence (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 22:12:19 GMT

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    Hey Sam,
    Thanks for you comments and questions.

    > Two questions really.
    > The first is that the point about polygamy only has weight in terms of
    > assertions about human nature - ie that "Those other 6 guys are going to
    > withdraw their consent and support from the social structure that permits
    > such an absurdity, and if they can... they'll tear it down." Would you
    > accept that, as a general principle (and leaving lots of complications to
    > one side) a society which respects fundamental biological drives has
    > quality than one that does not?

    Well, that's alot of complications to put to the side, but as a very, very
    general principle, I believe I would accept your statement. Society must
    either find ways to respect biological drives or else it must have the
    strength to control the biologically driven by force.

    > Secondly, do you think that there is an equivalent biological point
    > to the nurture of children, ie that biological parents will have an
    > intrinsically stronger interest in the welfare of their children than
    > people will, they will want to see their children flourish, and they will
    > (in general) act according to that interest in their choices?

    This is a very tough question. One which I'm not sure I'm really qualified
    to answer. In the brief time I spent clerking for a Judge in NY State
    Family Court I saw plenty of cases in which biological parents did some
    horrible things to their natural children (and not just fathers, often
    mothers do unspeakable things to their babies). Ultimately, I think that
    being a 'good and loving parent' comes from a person being 'good and loving'
    and not from just being a parent.

    take care

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