Re: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

From: kris coates (
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 01:09:54 GMT

  • Next message: Kevin: "RE: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power."

    Dearest All,

       As many of you most likely don't know I am in the military serving in
    Korea. I have been in the US Army for almost 6 years now. Before I came to
    Korea, I was serving in a unit that supported the President's Counter-Drug
    strategy. I know that not everyone agrees with this war, or any war, or the
    reasons behind them. I know, becuase of the lack or support for the one I
    was in that none reported on. But let me say this...

    For anyone who believes that this war shouldn't happen, that is ok. I can
    agree to have a different opinoin than others. But please, when you see a
    soldier, remember what he or she is doing. That individual is continuing the
    protection that gives everyone the right to say what they want, when they

    This war isn't about oil, money, liberting anyone, or anything like that. It
    is about the fact that Saddam Hussein is housing and actively supporting
    terrorist atacks against Americans. Period. And NO, not just just white
    anglo-saxon christian americans. Americans that are of any color, religon,
    creed, ethnicity, you name. To him and his "friends" as an AMERICAN, we are

    I have no problem with any Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu,
    or whatever. I have a problem with someone who wants to kill and murder

    If you think that this is a pointless and lame statement, then look around
    your city, and ask yourself, Does the rest of the US look like this or like
    me or like a goulash with a little bit of evrything?

    >From: Steve Peterson <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: Re: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power.
    >Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 13:27:18 -0500
    >Hi Narges,
    >You said:
    > > I'm so sorry that such scholar people like MOQers cannot see the real
    > > intention of this war.You see Saddum's opression but you dont see
    > > .You all are attended to Saddum's stupidity and lies but you do not
    > > what America really wants to do.
    > >
    > > If Saddum is a dictator he was made by America.When Iranian were
    >bombarded by
    > > Saddum's rockets , America supported him.When Iranian soldiers were
    >killed in
    > > the worst situations, americans were silent and America government was
    > > best friend of Saddum. Now Saddum is an old dictator and iran-Iraq war
    > > ended many years ago. So it is the best time for getting back the
    >weapons sold
    > > to Iraq during those bloody years of war.
    >Are you arguing that getting back the weapons that you seem to think we
    >never should have sold is a bad thing?
    > > Furthermore,Iraq has oil.
    >Mmm hmmm...Please expound.
    > > And the third one :the proper strategic situation of Iraq. America
    >doesnt feel
    > > any danger from Iraq as well as it doesnt feel any from imaginational
    > > Al-gha'ede group another "made in America" pseudIslamic group.
    > >
    > > The main goal of this war is the weakening Muslims' situation in the
    >world .
    > > America fears Islam and Communism and all this sillingly scenario is a
    >part of
    > > america's plan to simulation to be hurt by Muslims. Saddum is not a
    > > well as Americas government are not christian), but the people of Iraq
    > > muslim and they are the real victims of this ridiculous war. Morality is
    > > other victim of this war. I hate this world and the governments.
    >Weakening Muslims is our main goal? How have you determined that this is
    >America's motive?
    > >I hope oneday
    > > an Ubermensch comes and cut the root of opression and viciousness.
    >Me too, I think...unless...You aren't talking about Bin Laden, are you? In
    >that case, NO.
    >Before I heard from you, I had never heard anyone but him talk of America
    >having the specific goal of "weakening Muslims' situation in the world."
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