Re: MD Philosophy and Theology

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 11:55:21 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Philosophy and Theology"

    Hi David,

    > If I could offer an alternative to Sam's formulation, that DQ is an aspect
    > of God, I'd say that DQ and God are two metaphors that refer to the same
    > mystery.

    I'm very comfortable with that.

    > I don't mean to suggest that Christianity fails to express this same core,
    > mystical version of the divine, its just tough to see it. Its been
    > by the literalisms and such that we've been discussing. Its been covered
    > over and buried, but as is the case with all religions, it too reflects
    > DQ that created it. Stripped of any doctrines, statements like "I and the
    > Father are one" are transformed from meaning two thirds of the trinity, to
    > declaration the reality is undivided. "My kingdom is not of this world"
    > becomes a rejection of the belief that the sundered world of things is
    > reality. Atonement looses its moralistic overtones and also says the world
    > is undivided; At-One-ment. The five piercings of the Christ are not just
    > wounds for us to pity, but symbols of the five senses the keep us attached
    > to the static, sundered world, which is death.

    Putting quibbles to one side, I'm comfortable with that too. (John's gospel
    is a mystical text).

    > FAITH is believing what you know ain't so.

    Wittgenstein (yes, him again):
    "Christianity is not based on a historical truth; rather, it offers us a
    (historical) narrative and says: now believe! But not, believe this
    narrative with the belief appropriate to a historical narrative, rather:
    believe, through thick and thin, which you can do only as the result of a
    life. _Here you have a narrative, don't take the same attitude to it as you
    take to other historical narratives!_ Make a _quite different_ place in
    your life for it. - There is nothing _paradoxical_ about that!"

    BTW, in case I'm giving a misleading impression with all these quotations,
    Wittgenstein was (probably) not a Christian himself. I just think he
    understood it well, and he had a philosophically sophisticated perspective.


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