Re: MD Quality events and the levels

Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 21:46:50 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ"

    In a message dated 5/13/03 5:01:15 PM GMT Daylight Time,

    > On 12 May 2003 1:14PM Squonk writes:
    > Hi Squonk:
    > joe: IMO exactly right!
    > >> The MoQ is a field theory. Dynamic Quality is the undefined field and
    >> Static patterns are stable transient eddies.
    >> Hope this helps?
    >> squonk

    Hi Joe, Paul,
    How does this relate to Paul's assertion that:

    Paul: In my opiniion, what your (Steve's) distinction does best is
    draw attention to one of the general assumptions that
    underpins the MoQ - that 'everything' has a 'view from

    When it comes to understanding the MoQ, I think
    anything that draws attention to the general
    assumptions it makes can only help bring clarity to
    anyone who studies it. And the more people who can
    understand the MoQ, the better (starting with me!)

    Squonk: I have been wondering about 'the view from within' as a general
    assumption made by the MoQ? Is it made at all?
    Paul suggests that the MoQ is extruded out of insights into personal
    experience of Quality in ZMM and by analogy. Thus, we may wish to suggest an
    amoeba would say such and such if it could talk? I feel this ZMM analogy may
    be misleading when thinking about the MoQ, because the MoQ is Pirsig's mature
    thought and an advance on ZMM.

    It is a matter of empirical observation that patterns sharing a relationship
    with our patterns may harmonise and become indistinct. In other words, our
    patterns and those of others in the same field may coalesce on many levels,
    at various times, and in many combinations. However, further empirical
    observation reveals that such coalescence's may display severe boundaries
    which may be mistaken as a, 'View from within.'
    But, a severe boundary may be said to be an extreme example of a more
    universal process? As such, the extension of, 'Personal experience' of
    Quality is not then merely an extension by analogy to DQ and the MoQ -
    personal experience of Quality from a SoM dominated culture is an extreme
    example of boundary imposition being broken down.
    Therefore, we may wish to say that the 'view from within,' as an extreme
    example of static patterning is morally preferable to move away from.
    Thus, it may be a general assumption of the MoQ that all patterns rely upon
    each other, and maintaining a SoM view from within is selfish and extreme.

    Thoughts peoples?

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