Re: MD Event and level hierarchies opposite?

From: Valence (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 20:34:34 BST

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD Structuralism in Pirsig"

    Hey Johnny,
    I thought I might take a quick crack at your question...

    > We often talk about nearness to DQ when talking about experience, and
    > furthest evolved toward DQ when talking about levels. I think I've heard
    > said that the Intellectual level is the furthest evolved toward DQ. Yet
    > when we talk about experience, we often note that the intellect is the
    > thing to get the direct experience of DQ, the "quality event" is
    > pre-intellectual.
    > Is there anything to this apparent opposite hierarchy of nearness to DQ of
    > the the levels versus experience?

    Translating between ZMM and LILA can be a tricky business. But I think the
    first problem is an equivocation in the use of the term "intellectual"
    between the two. That is, I don't think that the "Intellectual" of ZMM's
    pre/post split refers to the same thing as "Intellectual" when used in the
    MoQ to refer to the 4th level of static patterns. Take this quote from

    PIRSIG (from ZMM)
    He'd been speculating about the relationship of Quality to mind and matter
    and had identified Quality as the parent of mind and matter, that event
    which gives birth to mind and matter. This Copernican inversion of the
    relationship of Quality to the objective world could sound mysterious if not
    carefully explained, but he didn't mean to be mysterious. He simply meant
    that at the cutting edge of time, before an object can be distinguished,
    there must be a kind of nonintellectual awareness, which he called awareness
    of Quality. You can't be aware that you've seen a tree until after you've
    seen the tree, and between the instant of vision and instant of awareness
    there must be a time lag..The past exists only in our memories, the future
    only in our plans. The present is our only reality. The tree that you are
    aware of intellectually, because of that small time lag, is always in the
    past and therefore is always unreal. Any intellectually conceived object is
    always in the past and therefore unreal. Reality is always the moment of
    vision before the intellectualization takes place. There is no other
    reality. This preintellectual reality is what Phaedrus felt he had properly
    defined as Quality. Since all intellectual identifiable things must emerge
    from this preintellectual reality, Quality is the parent, the source of all
    subjects and objects.

    Here, Intellectualization refers to the breaking-up of direct experience
    into 'Mind and Matter', which in MoQ-jargon would be 'static patterns'. In
    LILA, Pirsig suggests that DQ is that which he identified in his first book
    as Quality. Which all makes it tempting to translate the passage above to
    something like this....

    PIRSIG from ZMM "translated" (#1)
    He'd been speculating about the relationship of [Dynamic] Quality to [static
    quality] and had identified [Dynamic] Quality as the parent of [static
    quality], that event which gives birth to [static quality]. This Copernican
    inversion of the relationship of [Dynamic] Quality to the [world of static
    patterns] could sound mysterious if not carefully explained, but he didn't
    mean to be mysterious. He simply meant that at the cutting edge of time,
    before [a static pattern] can be distinguished, there must be a kind of
    [unpatterned] awareness, which he called awareness of [Dynamic] Quality.
    You can't be aware that you've seen a tree until after you've seen the tree,
    and between the instant of vision and instant of awareness there must be a
    time lag. The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our
    plans. The present is our only reality. The [patterned] tree that you are
    aware of [statically], because of that small time lag, is always in the past
    and therefore is always unreal. Any [static pattern] is always in the past
    and therefore unreal. Reality is always the [Dynamic] moment of vision
    before [static patterning] takes place. There is no other reality. This
    [unpatterned] reality is what Phaedrus felt he had properly defined as
    [Dynamic] Quality. Since all [static] things must emerge from this
    [unpatterned] reality, [Dynamic] Quality is the parent, the source of all
    [static patterns].

    Translations similar to this one maybe akin to what Pirsig sees and have
    been accepted by several forum members in the past (including myself).
    However, it eventually occurred to me that he's really talking about the
    breaking of direct experience into categories of experience. In SOM,
    those initial categories were "Mind and Matter (or subject and object)", but
    in the MoQ those initial categories are "static and Dynamic". Which means
    would probably translate more like this....

    PIRSIG from ZMM "translated" (#2)
    He'd been speculating about the relationship of Quality to [Dynamic & static
    quality] and had identified Quality as the parent of [Dynamic & static
    quality], that event which gives birth to [Dynamic & static quality]. This
    Copernican inversion of the relationship of Quality to the [world of Dynamic
    freedom & static patterns] could sound mysterious if not carefully
    explained, but he didn't mean to be mysterious. He simply meant that at the
    cutting edge of time, before [Dynamic freedom & static patterns] can be
    distinguished, there must be a kind of [undivided] awareness, which he
    called awareness of Quality. You can't be aware that you've seen a tree
    until after you've seen the tree, and between the instant of vision and
    instant of awareness there must be a time lag. The [static] past exists only
    in our memories, the [Dynamic] future only in our plans. The present is our
    only reality. The tree that you are aware of [Dynamically & Statically]
    because of that small time lag, is always in the past and therefore is
    always unreal. Any [divided experience] is always in the past and therefore
    unreal. Reality is always the [undivided] moment of vision before [division]
    takes place. There is no other reality. This [undivided] reality is what
    Phaedrus felt he had properly defined as Quality. Since all [divisions] must
    emerge from this [undivided] reality, Quality is the parent, the source of
    all [Dynamic freedom and static patterns].

    So while it is true that the 4th level is the most Dynamic of the patterns,
    it is also true that all 4 levels and the 'concept' of Dynamic Quality
    itself all exist within human understanding... after the time lag. When we
    speak of Quality as immediate, pre-intellectual experience, we are speaking
    of the undivided Quality that exists prior to all metaphysical divisions.
    From within the context of the MoQ, it is correct to refer to this undivided
    Quality, as 'Dynamic Quality' since it is a part of the conceptual unknown
    which DQ represents.

    Does that make sense? Does it help at all?

    take care

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