Re: MD Quality events and the levels

Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 19:08:42 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "Re: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ"

    Hi Squonk

    > sq: If we are using the DQ-SQ relationship as a
    > starting point, then
    > differentiation may be bias towards SQ?

    That's how I see it, differentiation is another word
    for static latching.

    > That which
    > is static poorly responds
    > to DQ and so may become in its way assertive?

    SQ is opposed to DQ, it resists coalescence.

    > This
    > would then appear to be a
    > universal tendency at all levels?

    Perhaps, this is why I want to fully explore my
    perceived anthropocentricity of the MOQ.

    > Before contemplating the opposite bias - bias
    > towards DQ, it may be
    > interesting to contemplate equilibria? This may be a
    > legitimate position
    > where the knife edge between DQ-SQ is ultra sharp?
    > At this point - at this oh
    > so exceptionally sharp point of balance, things
    > happen?

    The tension created by the DQ-SQ opposition is a
    hiatus of boundless potential.

    > "It's a method on the edge of madness,
    > It's a balance on the edge of a knife,
    > It's a smile on the edge of sadness,
    > It's a dance on the edge of life." Neil Peart.
    > This is where we need to focus our enquiry i feel?

    We need to experience this, we need to be familiar
    with this experience of coherence. When static
    patterns make expected static responses,
    differentiation prohibits coherent action, but it can
    feel right because it is static morality.

    When static patterns make Dynamic novel responses,
    coalescence enables coherent action.

    By coherent action, you understand, I do not mean
    uniform or unilateral action. I mean that everything
    does the right thing in the right measure. As an
    analogy, an orchestra is coherent when all instruments
    are played in a different way but the result is an
    undifferentiated harmony. This is what I mean when I
    say at once a coalescence and a differentiation. There
    is no contradiction.

    > But what about bias towards DQ? I have a feeling
    > such bias is the fine line
    > itself. When the line is crushingly thin, DQ
    > radiates like an eternal bloom.

    Purposeless tension? (Zen in the Art of Archery)

    > One beholds hold it, fleetingly, unpredictable.
    > Maybe ritual can get there
    > more often than not; maybe ritual gets you in the
    > ball park? But you have to
    > wait for it. No one and nothing can make demands.
    > One may only be patient
    > under the Bodhi tree?

    Right, but this awareness of DQ-SQ tension/equilibrium
    is already a huge step towards betterness. Do you

    It is indeed a high Quality endeavour to be sensitive
    to the tension in all aspects of life. When the
    tension is recognised as bad from a static perspective
    only and isn't to be turned away from we open up to
    absolute change and see the futility of static

    "The softest thing cannot be snapped."



    Hello Paul,
    I feel we are in complete agreement.
    Have been giving some thought to your anthropocentric view of the MoQ - a
    view i feel will provide much insight. This, 'View from within' changes
    throughout the day?
    Indian raga's help to form a backdrop of harmonic ritual - who we think we
    are depends on those patterns that at that moment happen to be dominating us?
    Movement may be towards a total harmonising, throughout the day, seasons and
    Life flows on within you and without you?

    All the best,

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