Re: MD Quality events and the levels

Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 13:53:44 BST

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD Structuralism in Pirsig"

    Hi Squonk

    > This, 'View
    > from within' changes
    > throughout the day?

    It is a measure of coalescence-differentiation

    > Indian raga's help to form a backdrop of harmonic
    > ritual - who we think we
    > are depends on those patterns that at that moment
    > happen to be dominating us?

    Yes, for we are those patterns.

    > Movement may be towards a total harmonising,
    > throughout the day, seasons and
    > life?

    Yes, a migration towards Dynamic Quality.

    On the 'is the MOQ anthropocentric?' question I've
    been pondering, I've come up with some answers.

    Simple answer: Static answer: Yes - Dynamic answer: No

    Longer answer: The MOQ is anthropocentric but it
    contains an excellent idea that it isn't.

    Another answer: Static quality is anthropocentric
    Dynamic Quality is not centric in any way.

    Clears things up for me ;-)


    More agreement. :)

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