Re: MD James's inversion

Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 13:39:14 BST

  • Next message: Pi: "Re: MD James's inversion"

    Hi Johnny,

    I am a newcomer to the forum, but I have been into Pirsig for a couple of
    years. At the risk of going against the whole group, I was always under
    the impression that ideas are static and reality is dynamic. I view ideas
    as static intellectual patterns used to explain the dynamic reality.
    Ideas can be thought of as snapshots of the flowing reality. They only
    reflect the reality (to some degree) the instant they capture it. But the
    snapshot is stale soon afterwards. I don't think this is a descrepency at

    I have not read James to know what he meant when he used the word
    'reality'. Perhaps someone with a copy of James' original work can clear
    this doubt.

    Hi Pi,

    Pirsig quotes James:

    "There must always be a discrepancy between concepts (static ideas, maps of
    reality, symbols, patterns) and reality (immediate dynamic flux), because the
    former (concepts) are static and discontinuous, and the latter (reality) is
    dynamic and flowing." lila p 365

    Pirsig then notes that James used the SAME WORDS that he does! Hey that's
    great, but look at what James said: the reality is dynamic, and the concepts
    (ideas) are static.

    sq: There is no difference except in Johnny's enthusiastic determination not
    to see the wood for the trees.

    How could Pirsig ignore that he is using them in the
    OPPOSITE sense of what the MoQ does?

    sq: Perhaps the real question should be, 'How can Johnny ignore these terms
    correspond with each other well?' Here is the answer...

    As this forum is nearly unamimous in
    saying that ideas are dynamic, while the patterns that constitute the real,
    felt existence of the present are static, I am sure someone here can explain
    this discrepancy.

    sq: No one, other than the mislead, suggests ideas are dynamic. Ideas are
    static patterns that exist in a relationship with Dynamic Quality. I think our
    understanding corresponds well also Pi?

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