RE: MD date of homo sapiens

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 02:56:54 BST

  • Next message: Valence: "Re: MD The Transformation of Love"

    Sam and all:

    Sam said:
    Saw this interesting article, about a 'homo sapiens' skull dated 160,000
    years ago.

    Does anyone know the precise relationship between such a species and our own
    and, in particular, when 'homo sapiens sapiens' stabilised in biological
    terms? (I think it may shed some light on our conversations about levels,
    amongst other things).

    dmb says:
    Interesting article. Thanks. It gave the impression that this 160,000 year
    old skull is directly connected to us, to modern humans. It was larger than
    we are, but that probably just explains the legends about giants. As Tim
    White said, the team leader on this find, "Now the fossil record meshes with
    the molecular evidence." I think we have just about found our Adam and Eve.
    Interesting that the skulls were polished and decorated for ritual purposes,
    no? I think this must be about where the social level really begins. Even
    more exciting, they say the area contains the fossil record of our evolution
    "from the present to more than six million years ago". Now there's a piece
    of real estate that has held its value! Apparently its been a good spot for
    quite some time.

    Here's a thought; if the social level has been evolving for 160 thousand
    years and the intellect has been evolving for, oh, lets be generous and say
    3 thousand years, then the third level is more than 50 times older.

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