Re: MD Fun in Manhattan - Pirsig Biog

From: Valence (
Date: Fri Jun 20 2003 - 03:49:55 BST

  • Next message: Pi: "Re: MD Automatic or standard transmission?"

    Hey Ian,

    > That's brilliant, and already clears up a couple of inconsistencies from
    > some guessed dates I got from 3rdWaveDave on an MF thread.
    > Web searches on Pirsig keep leading me to the same few resources, repeat
    > referenced many times.
    > It would be great if you could direct me to sources of the old-tech
    > you got earlier.
    > (If you prefer contact me privately through the details at

    I pulled the bio out of a public library computer probably sometime around
    1996-97. Unfortunately, the 3 tattered pages I still have don't give much
    to go on as to their source. The only "credits" to be found are a heading
    that bills "DISCovering Authors Modules" and a copyright in the name of
    "Gale Research, 1996". My brief Google search on those names yielded little
    of importance.

    The rest of the bio is essentially the same information put into paragraph
    form with a few more details thrown in here and there. After that, is a
    summary and review of ZMM (the review is relatively positive but ultimately
    concludes that ZMM is "...a novel in need of maintenance, an amorphous
    essayistic narrative of grandiose promises and undelivered goods, an
    emotional turn-on that lacks modesty and compassion, and a
    philosophical-autobiographical-detective thriller by someone who needs to
    brush up on his philosophy"). After that, it begins a summary of LILA...
    which is where my copy ends.

    If I get some time, I'll try to copy some more of it into a post. Or if
    you'd like, you can send me your address (privately) and I'd be happy to
    mail you photocopies of the pages.

    take care

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