Re: MD Automatic or standard transmission?

From: Joe (
Date: Sat Jun 21 2003 - 19:19:58 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD MOQ Prayer"

    On 19 June 2003 9:07 PM Pi writes:

    Thanks for the very valuable driver's point of view, but I was hoping for a
    more MoQ related response.

    Maybe I should have stressed on the idea of automaticity of patterns more
    than the application of that idea. My driving dilemma is nothing but an
    excuse to dig deeper into the idea of static intellectual patterns becoming
    automatic as we become proficiant in them. We all have probably heard the

         "It's like riding a bike. Once you learn it, you never forget."

    To me that says "Once a static intellectual pattern becomes too static (if
    there is such a thing), it is not an intellectual pattern anymore".
    Psychologists would probably say that the "sub-conscious" is responsible
    for this, but I don't value that term.

    I would be interested to know the forums' thoughts on this phenomenon.

    Hi Pi, Squonk (and all),

    A pattern contains dynamic purpose which enables action known by intuition,
    an instinctive sensing of reality. This creates tension within the pattern
    as well as tension with other patterns. I do what I do not wish to do, and
    do not do what I wish.

    My habits and education ignore instinctive experience as being subjective.
    I purposefully ignore tension. In the last few thousand years there is a
    greater emphasis on abstraction, ignoring intuition. IMO if instincts are
    not used they can atrophy. Pirsig points his finger to intuition, asking me
    to start using my instincts. I take from his finger pointing that instincts
    can be trained by our lifestyle to performance.

    Training the instincts is valuable. Recognizing the instinctive aspects of
    patterns smooths over the subject/object divide. I make better connections.
    I can increase my ability to act beyond what anyone else can follow. I say
    go for it, Johnny Moral is watching.

    If I have arthritis in my knee, operating the clutch in stop and go traffic
    can be painful. I do not agree that I must always go through pain to
    achieve a better performance. An awareness of performing instinctively on a
    daily basis, is a step forward.

    Good luck with your car purchase.


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