Re: Re: MD The Transformation of Love

From: johnny moral (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 23:43:45 BST

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "RE: MD 1967 or 1968 ?"

    Hi Platt,

    > > Well,
    > > it rules at the intellectual level too, manipulating intellectual ideas
    > > to foster its growth, but it mainly rules by means of intellectual
    > > ideas.
    >I'm not sure about this. Can you give some examples of just how the Giant
    >uses intellect to rule? The only clearly intellectual attempt to control
    >society that I know of was Communism (and early New Dealism). Both were
    >utter failures.

    I see the giant as the economy, as the media, as technological growth and
    dominance. It is the marketplace that is not controlled by anyone. Its
    grip on people's lives are intellectual ideas like everyone ought to have
    access to the latest information, gadgets, and health care, and for everyone
    to contribute to the economy, to bringing about the future. The
    intellectual idea that "the child's best interest" is more important than
    family bonds helps the giant, as does the intellectual idea that we are to
    self-actualize ourselves as individuals somehow, that we would be bored if
    were not achieving a career and advancing technology. The Giant wants us to
    work for it, and is against us taking Sunday off to rest and single income
    families, it hates families and nepotism, which are inefficient burdens on
    its growth and subversive to it. These desires are stirred in us by Giant
    itself, through its marketplace and magazines.

    This reminds me of the current backlash by liberals against the charge that
    the media is liberal. They point to Fox News and other overtly patriotic
    stations, and defend CNN as fair, but it isn't the news that people mean
    when they say the media is liberal, it is the whole thing, media itself.
    Its movies and books and advertisements all, by necessity, tap into people's
    dissatisfaction and get people (inspire them) to want to change things.
    Conservatives in the truest sense (if there were such people) wouldn't have
    media at all, there'd be no need for Maybeline or Moby Dick or even the
    Bible, they'd be too busy trying to live life.

    > > I don't see how you can say that the USA has more protection
    > > against the Giant when clearly, the Giant thrives in the USA's free
    > > intellectual patterns. New York City is where the Giant was loudest,
    > > right?
    >No. The Giant is loud in all large cities and in every nation. Where it's
    >loudest is in countries where individual rights are unheard of.

    Like say Cuba? I don't think Pirsig means to equate the Giant with
    totalitarianism. That has its own name already. He heard the Giant in NYC.

    > > Perhaps because people in the USA (and other technologically
    > > servient nations) seem to be the ones controlling the Giant most, as
    > > opposed to merely reacting to it, you think they are protected from its
    > > appitites.
    >No. In the USA individuals are protected from the Giant's appetites by a
    >Constitution that guarantees certain inalienable rights to individuals--
    >life, liberty, property.

    You really need to explain why the Giant is so loud here then. The most
    dynamic city on earth, with the most freedom and liberty. The Giant needs
    us to be free, it can't have us sitting with our family huddled around the
    fireplace waiting for sunup to finish the harvest. It needs us pursuing
    property and making the most of our liberty and life, without any social
    contraints, serving ouselves, and by extension, serving it.

    > > But getting rich off of it doesn't mean you aren't a slave
    > > to it, or you aren't manipulated by it.
    >That's the socialist idea that capitalism makes everyone a slave to the
    >marketplace, a bogus notion if there ever was one.

    Are you admitting that there are bogus ideas?


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