Re: MD Going away

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 16:55:35 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD The Transformation of Privacy"

    Hi Paul:

    I'm disappointed you find it necessary to leave the forum for awhile. Your
    posts have been models of clarity in presenting the basics of Pirsig's
    MOQ. I will miss you contributions immensely.

    > I have come to the opinion that there are broadly two
    > positions held on the forum.
    > One is held by those people who wish to really
    > understand Pirsig's MOQ by studying his writing,
    > possibly at the expense of some of their previous
    > conceptions and favoured authors.
    > The other is held by people who wish to modify
    > Pirsig's MOQ to fit their own ideas and those of other
    > authors.

    I agree. But it's the contrast in positions, backed by worthy proponents,
    that makes this forum so intellectually stimulating, regardless on what
    level intellect actually resides. (We could argue the metaphysical
    implications of the word "actually" for a long time.) :-)

    Finally, as they say here in the Deep South of the U.S, "Y'all come back
    soon." Only this time, I mean it. :-)


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