Re: MD Pirsig, Falck, and Wolfram

From: Lars Quisling (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 10:17:09 BST

  • Next message: james marshall: "Re: MD Pirsig, Falck, and Wolfram"

    >(Hi Lars - I'm a DQ party-pooper here, I believe "DQ" is used as a
    >religious fudge factor to introduce subjective opinion into any discourse,
    >as well as a 7th Calvary to weasel out of tight spots in arguments about
    >the metaphysics. If you want to justify breaking a moral pattern, just
    >cite "DQ" and you're all set. If something is contradictory or
    >tautological, just cite "DQ" and your all set. I do see a role for
    >something that can be called DQ in the creation of new patterns when
    >existing patterns cross paths, but I see it as completely deterministic,
    >its creations entirely the necessary result of other static patterns.)

    Hi Johnny- sounds interesting. One thing that struck me reading 'Lila' is
    that from the point of view of the static, social level of 'Quality',
    disruption can come from either above or below; from 'Dynamic Quality' or
    'the biological level.' It seems to me that an old Western (at least)
    paradigm is to associate DQ and bQ; they are seen as one force, creative and
    destructive, which exists in uneasy dialectic with the SQ of society. The
    Freudian and post-Freudian id, for example. 'Lila' is apparently DQ, but it
    is also the dance, the symbol of the bodily and erotic life.
    Deterministic dynamism sounds more Stephen Wolfram-like to me.
    By the way, are 'static' and 'dynamic' taken from Bergson?


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