Re: MD Pirsig and Peirce

Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 12:32:41 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Intersubjective agreement"


    An artisitic creation is something like the Mona Lisa. Subjects and objects,
    on the other hand, are our reality at this time. Although we can recognize
    that they are not fundamental, we can't wish them away.

    squonk: I suggest you have an exceptionally poor view of ZMM and Lila Steve.
    This is not a personal attack or anything of that sort, i assure you. I wish
    to help, and offer my unreserved service in this regard.
    squonk: The MoQ is not useless without subjects and objects - it is more
    coherent without them.
    As I said to Bo, a philosophy that ignores them is like a theology that
    ignores sin. Perhaps you don't experience yourself as at all distinct from the
    computer in front of you, but most people do.

    squonk: In the sense that the computer and 'I' share a
    gravitational-electromagnetic relationships, we are not distinct. That is a scientific fact.
    On the social and intellectual levels, the computer and me and you share all
    the time, and the boundaries are impositions of your cultural inheritance.

    A metaphysics that ignores that fact is useless. If subjects and objects are
    not primary reality, why does it seem that they are? A useful metaphysics must
    address that question.

    - Scott

    squonk: The MoQ in no way ignores subjects and objects. The MoQ explains why
    they appear primary. Subjects and Objects are aesthetic creations of the
    If your view of art is a painting on a wall then you have allot to learn.
    Every moment of your experience is a creative activity - there is the potential
    for you to do well.
    Although i do sincerely wish to help, it's a bit of a drag banging one's head
    against a wall. And i assure of this; bantering with wishy washy ideas over
    and over again about subjects and objects is going to get you precisely

    All the best,

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