Re: MD MoQ platypuses

From: August West (
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 21:55:59 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD economics of want and greed 4"

     You say:
    sq: Humans exist in social groups. My intellectual
    patterns are the result of many value choices made
    throughout human history. I can be intelligent and
    creative without subjects and objects.

    I don't understand this.

    How can you think of something without a
    subject/object correlation? As soon as there is
    something there is quality, and either subjects or
    objects or both, as something implies a subject and
    and object. I think this is my biggest "beef" with
    Pirsig. SOM is intertwinded with quality.


    --- wrote:
    > On 23 Aug SQUONKSTAIL commented:
    > Me prev:
    > > > Namely the fact that young Phaedrus was
    > confronted with the SOM
    > > > and its subject/object dilemma. There can't be
    > any doubt about that!?
    > > squonk: There is no dilemma.
    > No dilemma in the subject/object metaphysics? You
    > must be joking
    > mr. whatever is you name.
    > sq: I am not joking. A dilemma is a choice between
    > two undesirable
    > alternatives. In this case, the two undesirable
    > alternatives are between subjective or
    > objective quality. But once subjects and objects are
    > seen as illusory, Quality
    > becomes primary and the dilemma dissolves.
    > > Phaedrus was asked if he was teaching
    > > Quality. This made him reflect upon Quality and he
    > discovered that it
    > > is primary reality.
    > OK I accept this short version of the long argument
    > that led to the
    > Quality Insight.
    > sq: There is no argument. No argument at all. One
    > does not require
    > argumentation to establish Quality. The only
    > arguments are those between philosophical
    > systems of thought which take subjects and objects
    > to be primary.
    > > Subjects and objects then become aesthetic
    > > creations of the intellect.
    > In ZMM there are no levels, he merely says that
    > Quality creates
    > subjects and objects.
    > sq: Only if you take subjects and objects to be
    > primary. If you do not take
    > subjects and objects to be primary, then you cannot
    > say Quality creates them.
    > This begs the question, Why are subjects and objects
    > taken to be primary?
    > The answer is that they are artistic creations by
    > the intellect. Intellect is
    > created by Quality.
    > However introducing the full-fledged MOQ on to
    > this it means that the subject/object divide is a
    > value level, and as he
    > calls it "pre-intellectual" it means the
    > intellectual level.
    > sq: Pre-intellectual as in this instant. Not as in
    > before the intellect
    > evolved.
    > "Aesthetic
    > creation of the intellect" ... OK, in the same sense
    > that the human
    > organism is an aesthetic creation of Biology, but it
    > is Quality that
    > creates both Biology and Intellect in the first
    > place.
    > sq: In this instant, pre-intellect, there is a
    > harmonious preselection based
    > on Quality. There are no subjects and objects -
    > Poincare saw this too.
    > > They are human inventions. There are no
    > > subjects and objects in the Metaphysics of
    > Quality.
    > Human what? It sounds uncannily like "human mind".
    > If so you are
    > back at square one ...where you have been all the
    > time.
    > sq: Humans exist in social groups. My intellectual
    > patterns are the result of
    > many value choices made throughout human history. I
    > can be intelligent and
    > creative without subjects and objects.
    > > However, the MoQ
    > > explains why we may think subjects and objects are
    > primary.
    > Exactly!
    > > The MoQ
    > > also tells us the intellectual development that
    > eventually asserted
    > > subjects and objects began in prehistory,
    > Intellect may have hatched within social reality for
    > ages, I don't deny
    > that, but it is its EMERGENCE that counts. See my
    > entry in the Peirce
    > thread.
    > sq: I am extremely familiar with you views and at
    > one and the same time as
    > being familiar with them i feel i understand them,
    > and at one and the same time
    > as being familiar with and understanding your views
    > i also reject them. You
    > know this.
    > > and that initially, subjects
    > > and objects are biological and social in nature -
    > the desire for the
    > > opposite sex and recognition of the established
    > leader.
    > Social in origin naturally because all levels start
    > as a parent level
    > pattern, but not in the "opposite sex" or
    > "recognition of leader" sense.
    > Btw. how can particular patterns of the intellectual
    > level be of social
    > and/or biological nature? All patterns of a level
    > are of that level's
    > nature!!!!! Your perception of the MOQ is very
    > strange.
    > sq: If you are very muscular, bully others for
    > sexual and social advancement,
    > and if i have a symbol which indicates all this
    > which may be, 'HIM' we have:
    > 1. A biological pattern of Quality recognition which
    > is felt at the
    > biological level.
    > 2. A Social pattern of Quality recognition which is
    > felt at the social level.
    > 3. An Intellectual pattern of Quality recognition
    > which is felt at the
    > intellectual level.
    > 4. All patterns exist and evolve simultaneously with
    > DQ.
    > Are you an object to my subject? No, you are
    > experienced in many differing
    > ways which cannot be encapsulated within the
    > intellectual framework of subjects
    > and objects - reality is a dynamic process of
    > values.
    > Sincerely
    > Bo
    > sq: And you.
    > PS
    > Please mr ?? Can't you edit your posts in a way that
    > makes it possible
    > to see who is speaking, and don't you have a line
    > length setting in
    > your mail program?
    > sq: I shall try.
    > squonk

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