Re: MD Islands in the continuum.

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 13:56:34 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Islands in the continuum."

    Hi Andy,

    > Andy: Why do you both think valuing beauty is something that can be
    > taught?

    I don't think it can be taught. It is everyday experience.

    > Platt, doesnt't this contradict your vision of quality?

    I don't see how.

    > Why is
    > the MOQ necessary for it? I thought beauty just is.

    The MOQ isn't necessary for it. Beauty just is with or without the MOQ.

    > What would it
    > matter if everyone had the same appreciation for it?

    If everyone had a better appreciation of it, they might be happier.

    Hope this answers your questions.


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