Re: MD Self-consciousness

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 14:11:41 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Islands in the continuum."


    > The one I was offering is
    > simply that reflective (self-) consciousness is a property of language.
    > Easy! No spatio-temporal universe to worry about. We can use whatever
    > universe you wish to propose. We exist and we use language. From our
    > experience we can distinguish that humans have some properties other
    > species do not. One of these is language and another one of these is
    > self-consciousness. All I did was connect the dots.

    That two properties are coincidental doesn't prove a necessary
    relationship. Another property we have as distinct from animals is the
    missionary sex position.This doesn't show that the missionary position
    is a property of language.

    Would you elaborate on self-consciousness as a property of language? I
    always considered properties of language to be grammar like nouns,
    verbs, adjectives, active/passive voices, similes, metaphors, etc. To
    include self-consciousness among such properties is a stretch to say
    the least.


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