Re: MD Self-consciousness

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 14:04:41 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Islands in the continuum."

    Hi David M,

    > I think language is key, it is key to there being a world,
    > Man/Being/Language come together in the human-life-world, think about it
    > before Man/Language what world was there? Heidegger is my source for all
    > this. Before language there may have been experience, but no world. And
    > before experience? What can we say about that?

    I don't get your point. It's a truism to say without language there
    wouldn't be a "world" because the word "world" is cast in language.
    There's plenty of experience, knowledge and understanding that occurs
    without language of any kind. In fact, the MOQ is based on an
    assumption of pre-verbal world of pure experience we're confronted with
    all the time.


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