RE: MD Logic of contradictory identity

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 09:07:28 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Where things end."

    Hi Scott

    I see them as the same thing. The L of CI does not try to articulate the
    ineffable. It tries to articulate the ineffability of the ineffable.

    OK. I am beginning to see that, thanks. I still don't know if it's
    necessary [personally] but I'm a lot clearer on how you are using it.

    > [Paul:]
    > I see thinking very much as part of experience, but not the whole
    > and not in a "directionally creator relation" to experience [I'm not
    > ready to accept that aspect of Barfield].

    Hmm. I believe it was perception that Barfield considered to be in a
    "directionally creator relation" to experience, not thinking. I'll have

    He meant figuration, which he says may or may not be a kind of thinking.
    If we are talking about "differentiating experience mentally" being a
    kind of thinking then thinking is part of figuration.


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