RE: MD Where things end.

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Sep 21 2003 - 19:43:30 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Four options - let's not pretend"

    Sam said:
    I think your concerns here say more about your own social hang ups than
    anything else. I've never made a secret of what I do - it's even on my bio
    on the website! (Where's yours? What's your social level quality? And if you
    don't think it's relevant - why is mine?)

    dmb says:
    I shouldn't have butted in. Sorry. And its not that anyone is immune to
    having assumptions and stuff, but you've made a conscious choice to make a
    committment to a certain set of religous beliefs. That's quite relevant,
    don't you think? I think that committment has fairly profound effects on
    what you're willing to accept or entertain, no?

    Sam said:
    More to the point, I haven't often said 'I'm right because I'm ordained'.

    dmb says:
    Right. And by the same token I have never said, "Sam is wrong because he's

    Sam said:
    The times when I'm tempted to do that are when the discussions focus on what
    Christianity is - because there I do think I have a qualified perspective,
    and I think there is an awful lot of ignorant prejudice being put about by
    people who ought to know better.

    dmb says:
    I take the oppostie view. A soldier, for example, is the very last person I
    would trust to make an unbiased assessment of foreign policy. Anyone who is
    willing to kill and/or die for the cause is extremely unlikely to seriously
    question that cause. That level of personal committment is very difficult to
    overcome. And those who might have doubts run the risk of making themselves
    into hypocrites. Its only human.

    Feel free to write me off as an ignorant bigot if you like, but if you've
    been paying attention to the news lately then you know that the
    fundamentalists have done far more to tarnish the name of Christianity than
    I ever could. Do I lump you in with all that? No, it seems that you'd be
    even more upset about religious fanatics than I am. They're actually killing
    people, you know? They've stolen the flag, the bible, science and are
    effectively at war with the secular culture. It ain't pretty. And this
    current state of affairs, I think, is very much a part of the conflict
    between the social and intellectual levels. As such, I think its clear which
    side we ought to be rooting for.

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