MD A dog's life

From: Mati Palm-Leis (
Date: Sun Oct 12 2003 - 20:42:55 BST

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig"


    I changed the heading because we are getting away from Pirsig's letter.

    It seems to me that perhaps the future is an illusion, however perhaps
    an important one.

    You wrote:


    Nit sure what you are saying, please expand.
    Certainly see key difference between dog and person
    as the larger range of choice available to a person
    due to a richer range of possibilities open to a person,

    My response is change possibilities to value patterns. There is a
    process we may call choice in which these value patterns assert
    themselves to attain a higher quality. When I put a pizza in the oven,
    I set the timer for 20 minutes. The value pattern of cooking suggests
    that at such temperature, for such duration will offer the correctly
    cooked/baked pizza. The fact in my mind is that it is the value patterns
    create the pizza.

    You wrote:
    a person's future is more full and therefore more dynamic
    than a dogs.

    My comment is that perhaps yes, because we humans have attained the
    Intellectual level. But when I feed the pizza to my dog his life is just
    as dynamic. According the line of thinking you have presented, perhaps
    the dog's "choice" to accept you as the master was just as a dynamic
    choice. :)

    Choice seems to imply indeterminacy and also
    that beings are somehow involved in going from the indeterminate
    to the actual/event.

    Here is the question, how do we choose? And from that how is that



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