Re: MD Truth (rational enquiry)

From: David MOREY (
Date: Sun Oct 26 2003 - 14:55:45 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III"


    If consciouness is prior to subject-object, then it must be
    a consciousness without object, at least potentially or originally.
    Would there still be reality/world? If such, one where no distinction
    is assumed or present of subject-object, or I against world. So that reality
    is a totality, a oneness, where you cannot say I or Other of any kind.
    Which is mystic-participatory reality. I then assume that you are saying
    that to kick off the whole SOM alienation and distancing and pushing the
    world away from the subject so that the subject can grasp it, requires
    I assume that you have a point, because to separate reality into parts you
    have to cut
    it somewhere, and to make any such cut or differance (Derrida), you need
    kind of intelligence. I also take the logic of contradictory identity to
    recognise the
    underlying unity that underlies any such cut into opposed parts, such as
    I and not-I.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Scott R" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:43 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Truth (rational enquiry)

    > David,
    > > Do you think that some sense of 'I'
    > > is prior to subject-object type consciousness?
    > No I think of the I as the subject of subject-object type consciousness.
    > is created be Consciousness, so to speak, in contradictory identity with
    > object.
    > > Because consciousness if often talked about as always
    > > being conscious of 'some-thing'.
    > Yes, in relative consciousness. But mystics report of absolute
    > consciousness, for example, Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Philosophy of
    > Consciousness Without an Object.
    > - Scott
    > >
    > > regards
    > > David M
    > >
    > >
    > > ----- Original Message -----
    > > From: "Scott R" <>
    > > To: <>
    > > Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:15 AM
    > > Subject: Re: MD Truth (rational enquiry)
    > >
    > >
    > > > David,
    > > >
    > > > I would not try to define or describe it, just note that I can say "I
    > am".
    > > I
    > > > may in some paradoxical way be mistaken, but then that too is
    > > interesting,
    > > > that is, I can say "I can be mistaken".
    > > >
    > > > - Scott
    > > >
    > > > ----- Original Message -----
    > > > From: "David MOREY" <>
    > > > To: <>
    > > > Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:17 PM
    > > > Subject: Re: MD Truth (rational enquiry)
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > > Hi
    > > > >
    > > > > How are you defining describing self-consciousness?
    > > > >
    > > > > regards
    > > > > David M
    > > > > ----- Original Message -----
    > > > > From: "Scott R" <>
    > > > > To: <>
    > > > > Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:25 AM
    > > > > Subject: Re: MD Truth (rational enquiry)
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