RE: MD Language in the MOQ

Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 10:44:28 GMT

  • Next message: Nathan Pila: "MD confused; take action"

    Paul and People

    First of all, I haven't gone as deeply into the Jaynes' case as desirable,
    haven't even got hold of his book, but merely skimmed the Jaynes'
    site essays and discussions. The reason (except for lazinesss) is that I
    somehow regard "mission accomplished". Keeping the "original"
    Pirsig words in mind (from the 1993 letter: .....)

    PIRSIG: (my capitals)
    "I don't know if they were more in touch with DQ, but certainly they
    were less in touch with modern intellectual patterns that declare
    those voices to be illegal. IT IS THE EASIEST THING IN THE
    WORLD TO CALL A THOUGHT A VOICE. I think this is what the
    ancients did and this is in fact done in the last chapter of Lila."

    ...things fit the social-intellect transition so well that going deeper into
    details will reveal nothing about the socio-intellect issue. However, it
    may have bearings on the bio-social one too because Jaynes speaks
    about the bi-cameral epoch as different from the animal stage (Q-
    biological) thus it (the bi-cameral) may concur with the social level.
    The obvious fact that Jaynes' is no moqist and sees these things as
    having a brain (physical) cause does not detract from its value.

    To your message of 26 Nov:

    > Yes, I think that when language is manipulating symbols into patterns
    > of thought it is intellectual; when it is an extension of ritual and
    > custom it is social.

    I only zoom in on this tiny bit, because it is most significant. Language
    has its origin in social reality as a great social "tool"/pattern - because
    communication is such an intimate part of social existence - and
    brought communication out of mere ... whatever we see as the
    means of the human(oid) society signal system. Over the tens of
    thousands of years writing developed (cuneiform, hieroglyphs ..etc).

    I am as you know not completely happy with the "manipulation of
    symbols" intellect (even Mark sees this as merely defining language)
    and the way distinguishes between social and intellectual
    "manipulation" looks a bit "ad hoc" ....yet, the important thing is that
    language is seen as the vehicle that DQ used for that value jump.

    "I had always assumed that this blockage of direct quality perception
    was social, but in Mexico a few years ago I talked to a neurologist
    who argued that it was physiological. She said that recent
    experiments are showing that the right side of the brain, the "artistic"
    side, filters all experience before it reaches the left "rational" side of
    the brain. This would concur with the MOQ assertion that value
    precedes concepts in human understanding. I have read elsewhere
    that ceterera.
    This is the Mattew P.K. issue: That Quality has its origin in the brain of
    a person - of Robert Pirsig's brain preferably - and thus all this
    "intellect as ideas creating inorganic matter" logic double bends. In
    the MOQ proper the inorganic level is as much perception of value as
    any other ...and the first one. The above about the brain halves and
    Quality preceding concepts is of course highly valid at the intellectual
    level .... our old controversy as you see :-).

    In my opinion

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