Re: MD confused; take action

From: David MOREY (
Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 20:40:38 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD When is an interpretation not an interpretation?"

    "Volumes line library shelves in which human authors have described what they call "the Doctrine of God"

    And as you hint mystics and others have written as many volumes that agree with your proposition that
    the Being of God cannot be conceptualised or described but you can dance all round the reality of
    unconceptualisable dynamic quality.

    David M
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Nathan Pila
      Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 1:02 PM
      Subject: MD confused; take action

      Bishop Spong says and I agree with his views that all human attempts to describe the Being of God will fail. To be able to define God seems to me to be a deep human yearning that frequently overpowers human rationality and causes people actually to believe that they are able to do just that. Volumes line library shelves in which human authors have described what they call "the Doctrine of God." Nothing could be more pretentious than the claims those books make.

      To talk about the nature of God is an exercise in human folly! No one can tell another person who or what God is. All any of us can ever do is to tell one another what we think our experience of God has been. Even then we must face the fact that we might be deluded. Our knowledge of God is limited to our experience and to share that experience is the extent of our ability to speak of the nature of God.

      Let me illustrate that by saying Christians have historically defined God as a Holy Trinity. What they are really defining, however, is not God but their experience of God. We cannot say that God is a Trinity, since no one can say what God is. That is not within the human capacity. We can say, however, that our experience of God is Trinitarian. There is an enormous difference.

      The Buddhist tradition sees God and the world as a single whole. The Western tradition sees God and the world as separate, but seeking to be at one with God. That is why ATONEMENT is so central a Christian concept. Both are expressing a truth about the way they have experienced life. I suggest that adherents of both traditions walk their separate paths with integrity and find their unity only when each path leads them into the wonder of God. I find it of interest that mystics, both Christian and Buddhist, tend to use the same language, but it is the language of silent adoration. Perhaps the clue to the truth of God is in that reality.

      As far as what to do now, my advice is Carpo Diem.


        ----- Original Message -----
        Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:31 AM
        Subject: Re: MD MoQ and God


            It's not sadness. I just never saw "it" through MoQ. ZMM and LILA are so interesting that it seems I cannot take enough information in.
            I am a Catholic but there seem to be too many questions and not enough answers. How can I "believe" in something (a God) that is only a pattern left from others before? I feel cheated into believing what I was born into without ever having a chance to decide for myself. In addition I feel all of us are cheated and, yes, that does make me sad. (It appears not anyone's fault, it's just what happens.) (But what is "sad"? Is sadness something else that was instilled into us from prior patterns?)
            Trying to clarify - there is a "society" that "exists" and every human is born into it, thus the experiences are already awaiting us when we enter into human form. What's the answer to this? Will/Is there ever going to be a way to "think freely"?
            At the same time there HAS to be answers - right??? I mean everything seems to borderline the physical, biological, scientific, etc...yet MoQ can define things - yet there is no definitions.
            I'm talking in circles here but, I guess if I could ask Mr. Pirsig one question right now it would be, "What should I do now?".

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