MD MoQ versions

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Sat Dec 13 2003 - 22:59:40 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD The MOQ Perspective on Homosexuality"

    Dear Mark,

    On the MF-list you wrote 12 Dec 2003 15:36:17 EST:
    'The term, "Q-intellect" has been repeatedly verified as an invention of
    Bodvar Skutvik. The term, "Q-intellect" is therefore a term used in a
    different metaphysics to that of the Metaphysics of Quality. Here, Bodvar
    Skutvik is describing the MoQ in terms of a different metaphysics - that of
    his own.'

    The subject I proposed for the MF-list didn't make it, so I transfer it to
    this list:
    'Is it THE MoQ we are discussing (i.e. as meant by Pirsig) or are we (should
    we be) discussing the merits of our various versions (with Pirsig's writings
    expressing only one or even a version that develops in time)?'

    Your answer is clear. My answer is different: Pirsig's MoQ and Bodvar's MoQ
    are both (recognizable as) variations of 'THE MoQ', which is a pattern
    (which is in the process of migrating towards DQ) and not a rigid set of
    ideas determining who 'belongs' and who doesn't.

    With friendly greetings,


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