Re: MD Capture of a Tyrant

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 12:12:19 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD The court upholds restrictions on money"

    Hi Steve,

    "Our National Dialogue on Terrorism" From Platt Holden's revision of
     Al Franken's new book:
    > Why do they hate us?
    > "They hate us because they are evil."
    > Thatıs it, huh? Thatıs the entire story?
    > "Yes. Theyıre evil. They murder innocent men, women and children.
    > I know theyıre evil. I was just thinking that maybe if we
    > understood what specifically seemed to trigger the­
    > "You believe murder is excusable?
    > Iım not. Theyıre evil. You have no quarrel there. Itıs just
    > that maybe if we understoo­
    > Understood what?
    > Iım not! I hate the terrorists. I was just saying that we might
    > be able to prevent the next­
    > How? By paying them off?
    > Believe me, I was not defending them. What they did was horrific
    > and inexcusable. Theyıre evil. I was just­
    > "Just what?
    > Iım trying to say that maybe there are lessons we can­
    > What lessons?


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