Re: MD Capture of a Tyrant

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 02:15:32 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Capture of a Tyrant"

    Hi, folks who worry about being self-righteous,

    >>> Dan, aren't we being just a little self righteous to believe we know what is
    >>> best for everyone else and impose it on them? And do you believe that is
    >>> really why we are there?
    >>> wrote:
    >>>> In response to Andy:
    >>>> Our freedom (USA) but what about the rest of the world? Do they share the
    >>>> same freedoms knowing that, should it not fit American approval, we shall
    >>>> deprive their freedoms for "our righteous ways"?
    >>>> Dan

    From the satirical newspaper, The Onion:
    "It's important that life in liberated Iraq get back to normal as soon as
    possible," said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz at a press
    conference Monday. "That's why we're making sure that Iraqis have the best
    Christmas ever‹something they certainly wouldn't have had under Saddam
    Hussein's regime."

    Sure, imposing Christmas on Iraq would be stupid, but can't you see that
    there are some aspects of our culture that are universally good and really
    are worth promoting?

    Some people prefer chocolate ice cream, some people like to throw every 3rd
    baby into a volcano and circumcise their pubescent women. Is that it? Are
    right and wrong simply a matter of cultural perspective? Or do you agree
    with Pirsig that...

    "Given a value-centered Metaphysics of Quality, it is absolutely,
    scientifically moral for a doctor to prefer the patient. This is not just
    an arbitrary social convention that should apply to some doctors but not to
    all doctors, or to some cultures but not all cultures. It's true for all
    people at all time, now and forever, a moral pattern of reality as real as
    H2O. "


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