Re: MD Capture of a Tyrant

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 02:26:20 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality"

    Hi Dan,

    > I was under the assumption that democracy (capital "D" or small "d") was a
    > system where the people (majority) decide. When we have the legislative
    > (elected), executive (elected) and judicial (appointed) how does that make us
    > a democracy. Sure, it's our "elected" officials who speak for us on
    > determining the supreme court judges BUT that really isn't a democracy. Here's
    > a group of individuals making our laws through a "middleman". They determine
    > the laws and outcome of cases, holding a huge grasp on our lives, yet we (the
    > people) do not get to elect them. That is NOT democracy, correct?

    Correct. We do not have a democracy in the narrow, small 'd' sense.
    Perhaps with the Internet, we now have the ability to be truly democratic.
    We could all vote on every decision that is made in government. (Not really
    since we would be in infinite regress in deciding what to vote on.) But do
    you think that would be a better system? Our system is designed to be
    democratic while protecting individuals from the tyranny of the majority.
    Capital "D" Democracy to me is about rights and freedom which would not
    necessarily be preserved under small "d" democracy. Our Constitution makes
    it extremely difficult to vote to abolish the Bill of Rights for example. I
    think such limits on the power of government are a good thing.

    We believe in governments for the purpose of preserving our rights rather
    than citizens existing to serve the state. We believe in equal freedom
    which will naturally result in economic inequalities rather than demanding
    equal results which requires limitations on freedom.

    What would you change about the Constitution?


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