Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality

From: David MOREY (
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 21:03:31 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality"

    > Matt:
    > You've got to be kidding, David. I read Nagel as one of the contemporary
    arch-SOMists. His whole philosophy is about reconstituing the
    subject-object split. I mean, unlike many other philosophers we could pin
    SOM on, he even _uses_ the subject-object terminology. And look at his
    title: the view from nowhere. I would think the first thing that a
    pragmatist and a Heideggerian could agree on is that there is no such thing
    as a "view from nowhere".
    > No, from what I understand of Nagel, he is pure SOM.
    Hi Matt

    DM: Have you read VFN then? If so what I spotted was Nagel's argument that
    physicalism is a form
    of idealism, if so, do you have a rebuttal to hand? Nagel does not suggest
    that there is any such thing as a view from nowhere, apart from as an
    imaginative concept for the purposes of theory. Nagel, is of course, happy
    to indulge in
    metaphysics, so not a pragmatist. I think his book is a conceptual mess, and
    he seems to think that vast areas of thought
    are virgin territory as if Nietzsche/Husserl/Heidegger had never put pen to
    paper. However, he is no fool and I admire his honesty at times. Given the
    traditional choices I would rather be a stuck with the problems of dualism
    then the dead ends of materialism or idealism, at least dualism keeps the
    problems on the table rather than under the carpet. And at times I think
    that Rorty's therapeutics goes too far and not only sweeps away language
    game problems with respect to certain games over shooting their use realm,
    but dismisses areas where confusion is in fact an opportunity to improve our
    understanding. For example, Nagel still wants to try and understand how the
    workings of the physical brain relate to consciousness, and suggest that our
    current conceptions of what is physical and what is psychic are probably
    inadequate to do so. Rorty, of course, says
    these are descriptions of two different things, I see Rorty's point, but
    also Nagel's that at some level the two meet and at some level it would be
    great if we could describe both within a broader description. By the way it
    is always good to read the enemy, might make you think more than an easy/fun
    read. Also, using the Rorty schema it does get tempting to put people in
    boxes and they never quite exactly fit, Nagel makes some good points about
    the problems and inadequacy of SOM, and he clearly does not want to allow
    objectivist thinking to result in the dismissal of secondary qualities
    because they can not be described in terms of primary qualitities, of
    course, he does not strongly question this distictions validity. But I
    always try to get something positive/interesting out of whoever I read, and
    Nagel is not one dimensional in fact. Of course, he takes intuitions more
    seriously than Rorty and Rorty accepts that he has no particular argument
    for his preference not to, other than it has not proved fruitful to date to
    do so.

    So to open the question to debate, how would we describe the brain and
    consciousness in MOQ terms, and the relationship between the two?

    David M

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