Re: MD Measuring values

From: Richard Loggins (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2004 - 14:30:09 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Measuring values"

    I think it is you, not Mark, who is suggesting that an
    increase in the speed of evolution has anything to do
    with making measuring with numbers less tenable. Also,
    it's not 'measure of value' that is a 5-fold entity,
    but 'that which measures value'. IOW the subject is a
    5-fold entity. I assume he means the 5 senses.

    --- Platt Holden <> wrote:
    > Hi Mark,
    > Hi Platt,
    > > Maybe what you are recognising here is that higher
    > levels are more open to
    > > DQ and therefore evolving faster? I have always
    > felt this provides a good
    > > argument for the levels in the first place: The
    > higher the level the faster
    > > it evolves.
    > I wonder why an increase in the speed of evolution
    > necessarily makes
    > numerical measurement of values inoperative?
    > > Also, that which measures value is a five fold
    > entity, so
    > > depending on how you are configured at any instant
    > in time and depending on
    > > the overall coherence of all patterns determines
    > value. Basically that
    > > amounts to go with the flow?
    > Measure of value is a five fold entity? I can
    > account for three folds--an
    > observer, an observed and a measurement. But what
    > are the other two?
    > Thanks Mark,
    > Platt
    > .
    > >
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