Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality

From: David MOREY (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 19:41:10 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "MD BoMOQ: An expansion of ego"

    >In this stance, in human
    > being, begins a voyage that I suspect ends at SOM. The possibility then is
    >start putting things back together again and in the full light of intellect
    > that human being is utterly immersed in Being as a whole.

    I disagree that the logical extension of cognitive development is a
    philosophy that postulates material substances in interaction with mental
    substances with sensed qualities as by-products.

    DM: I'm certainly not saying that. I am saying that the journey of
    separation and differentiation ends with SOM as its furthest extreme
    Thought then has to turn back on itself, spiral-like, to progress. This may
    be where
    I depart from Bo. MOQ is one of the ways to progress thought towards a more
    conception, from a mechanistic cosmos to a process/activity based

    David M


    Original Message -----
    From: "Steve Peterson" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 2:13 AM
    Subject: Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality

    > Hi David M,
    > > The reality of the individual Ego is something that has
    > > developed in what was once an animal to give us something
    > > that we now refer to as human.
    > For Pirsig, what separates humans and animals are social patterns, but I
    > agree that what we now refer to as human requires intellectual patterns
    > which seem to require an individual ego.
    > >Being human is to possess an
    > > individuality that animals do not fully possess. How this development/
    > > evolution was achieved, I suggest has to go hand in hand with a sort
    > > of differentiation/separation/alienation/ of instinctual participatory
    > > being.
    > > The individual is a stance of separation. It says here I am and there
    > > opposed
    > > to me is the world, we are separate and not One.
    > I agree that the very first of all intellectual creations of "this" and
    > "that" distinctions that may define the intellect seem most likely to be
    > "self" and "not self." I think this is the transition from Piaget's
    > sensory-motor stage of cognitive development to the preoperational stage.
    > This could be the beginning of what Pirsig defines as intellect--the
    > manipulation of abstract symbols that stand for patterns of experience.
    > very first abstract symbol may be the self. Patterns of manipulations of
    > such symbols are the patterns that comprise the intellectual level.
    > Animals and new-born babies have no sense of self. Rather than "I am
    > hungry", just "there is hunger." In stead of "I am in pain," there is
    > "pain is." Sensations and emotions are experienced without distinction
    > between knower and known.
    > >In this stance, in human
    > > being, begins a voyage that I suspect ends at SOM. The possibility then
    is to
    > >start putting things back together again and in the full light of
    intellect see
    > > that human being is utterly immersed in Being as a whole.
    > I disagree that the logical extension of cognitive development is a
    > philosophy that postulates material substances in interaction with mental
    > substances with sensed qualities as by-products.
    > Regards,
    > Steve
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